Source code for discohook.view

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

from .button import Button
from .select import Select
from .enums import ComponentType

[docs]class View: """ Represents a discord message component tree. This is used to create actions rows and add buttons and select menus to them without having tree conflicts. Attributes ---------- components: List[:class:`dict`] The list of components to be sent to discord. Do not modify this directly. children: List[Union[:class:`Button`, :class:`Select`]] The list of children to be sent to discord. Do not modify this directly. """ def __init__(self): self.components: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self.children: List[Union[Button, Select]] = []
[docs] def add_buttons(self, *buttons: Union[Button, Any]): """ Adds a row of buttons to the view. Each row can only contain up to 5 buttons. Action rows having buttons can not have select menus. Parameters ---------- *buttons: :class:`Button` The buttons to be added to the view. """ batches = [buttons[i: i + 5] for i in range(0, len(buttons), 5)] for batch in batches: self.components.append( { "type": ComponentType.action_row, "components": [btn.to_dict() for btn in batch], } ) self.children.extend(batch)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def add_select(self, select: Union[Select, Any]): """ Adds a row of select to the view. Each row can only contain up to 1 select menu. Action rows having select menu can not have buttons. Parameters ---------- select: :class:`Select` The select menu to be added to the view. """ self.components.append( { "type": ComponentType.action_row, "components": [select.to_dict()], } ) self.children.append(select)