Source code for

import asyncio
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from .base import Component
from .emoji import PartialEmoji
from .enums import ComponentType, SelectType, ChannelType, SelectDefaultValueType

    from .interaction import Interaction
    from .channel import PartialChannel
    from .role import PartialRole
    from .user import User

# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
class SelectDefaultValue:
    Represents a discord select menu default option object.
    Only applicable for non string select menus.

    id: :class:`str`
        The id of the user, role or channel.
    type: :class:`SelectDefaultValueType`
        The type of the default value.

    def __init__(self, id: str, type: SelectDefaultValueType): = id
        self.type = type

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Returns a dictionary representation of the button.

        This is used internally by the library. You should not need to use this method.

            The dictionary representation of the button.
        payload = {
            "type": self.type
        return payload

[docs]class SelectOption: """ Represents a discord select menu option object. Parameters ---------- label: :class:`str` The text to be displayed on the option. value: :class:`str` The value to be sent to the bot when the option is selected. description: str | None The description to be displayed on the option. emoji: :class:`str` | :class:`PartialEmoji` | None The emoji to be displayed on the option. default: :class:`bool` Whether the option is selected by default or not. """ def __init__( self, label: str, value: str, *, description: Optional[str] = None, emoji: Optional[Union[PartialEmoji, str]] = None, default: bool = False, ): self.label = label self.value = value self.description = description self.emoji = PartialEmoji(name=emoji) if isinstance(emoji, str) else emoji self.default = default
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a dictionary representation of the button. This is used internally by the library. You should not need to use this method. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The dictionary representation of the button. """ payload = { "label": self.label, "value": self.value, "description": self.description, "default": self.default, } if self.emoji: payload["emoji"] = self.emoji.to_dict() return payload
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs]class Select(Component): """ Represents a discord select menu component. Parameters ---------- placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. type: :class:`SelectType` The type of the select menu. """ def __init__( self, type: SelectType, *, placeholder: Optional[str] = None, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(ComponentType(type.value), custom_id) self.placeholder: Optional[str] = placeholder self.min_values: Optional[int] = min_values self.max_values: Optional[int] = max_values self.disabled: Optional[bool] = disabled self.options: Optional[List[SelectOption]] = None self.channel_types: Optional[List[ChannelType]] = None self.default_values: Optional[List[SelectDefaultValue]] = None
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a dictionary representation of the button. This is used internally by the library. You should not need to use this method. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The dictionary representation of the button. """ payload = { "type": self.type, "custom_id": self.custom_id } if self.type == ComponentType.select_text: if not self.options: raise ValueError("options must be provided for text select menus") payload["options"] = [option.to_dict() for option in self.options] elif self.type != ComponentType.select_text and self.default_values: payload["default_values"] = [value.to_dict() for value in self.default_values] if self.type == ComponentType.select_channel and self.channel_types: payload["channel_types"] = [x.value for x in self.channel_types] if self.placeholder: payload["placeholder"] = self.placeholder if self.min_values: payload["min_values"] = self.min_values if self.max_values: payload["max_values"] = self.max_values if self.disabled: payload["disabled"] = self.disabled return payload
def channel( types: Optional[List[ChannelType]] = None, *, placeholder: Optional[str] = None, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, default_values: Optional[List[SelectDefaultValue]] = None, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A decorator that creates a channel select menu and registers a callback. Parameters ---------- types: Optional[List[:class:`ChannelType`]] The channel types to be displayed on the select menu. placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. default_values: Optional[List[:class:`SelectDefaultValue`]] The default values of the select menu. custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom id of the select menu. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[["Interaction", List["PartialChannel"]], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Callback must be a coroutine.") self = Select(, custom_id=custom_id, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, ) self.channel_types = types self.default_values = default_values self.callback = coro return self return decorator def text( options: List[SelectOption], *, placeholder: Optional[str] = None, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A decorator that creates a text select menu and registers a callback. Parameters ---------- options: List[:class:`SelectOption`] The options to be displayed on the select menu. placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom id of the select menu. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[["Interaction", List[str]], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Callback must be a coroutine.") self = Select( type=SelectType.text, custom_id=custom_id, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, ) self.options = options self.callback = coro return self return decorator def role( placeholder: Optional[str] = None, *, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, default_values: Optional[List[SelectDefaultValue]] = None, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A decorator that creates a select menu and registers a callback. For text select menus, use :meth:`text` and for channel select menus, use :meth:`channel`. Parameters ---------- placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. default_values: Optional[List[:class:`SelectDefaultValue`]] The default values of the select menu. custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom id of the select menu. Raises ------ TypeError If the callback is not a coroutine. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[["Interaction", List["PartialRole"]], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Callback must be a coroutine.") self = Select( type=SelectType.role, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, custom_id=custom_id, ) self.default_values = default_values self.callback = coro return self return decorator def user( placeholder: Optional[str] = None, *, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, default_values: Optional[List[SelectDefaultValue]] = None, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A decorator that creates a user select menu and registers a callback. Parameters ---------- placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. default_values: Optional[List[:class:`SelectDefaultValue`]] The default values of the select menu. custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom id of the select menu. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[["Interaction", List["User"]], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Callback must be a coroutine.") self = Select( type=SelectType.user, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, custom_id=custom_id, ) self.default_values = default_values self.callback = coro return self return decorator def mentionable( placeholder: Optional[str] = None, *, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = False, default_values: Optional[List[SelectDefaultValue]] = None, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """ A decorator that creates a mentionable select menu and registers a callback. Parameters ---------- placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder to be displayed on the select menu. min_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum number of options that can be selected. max_values: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of options that can be selected. disabled: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the select menu is disabled or not. default_values: Optional[List[:class:`SelectDefaultValue`]] The default values of the select menu. custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom id of the select menu. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[["Interaction", List[Union["User", "PartialRole"]]], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Callback must be a coroutine.") self = Select( type=SelectType.mentionable, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, custom_id=custom_id, ) self.default_values = default_values self.callback = coro return self return decorator