Source code for discohook.interaction

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from .channel import PartialChannel
from .enums import InteractionType, try_enum
from .guild import PartialGuild
from .member import Member
from .message import Message
from .adapter import ResponseAdapter
from .user import User
from .utils import unwrap_user

    from .client import Client

[docs]class Interaction: """ Base interaction class for all interactions Properties ---------- id: str The unique id of the interaction type: int The type of the interaction token: str The token of the interaction version: int The version of the interaction application_id: str The id of the application that the interaction was triggered for data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] The command data payload (if the interaction is a command) guild_id: Optional[str] The guild id of the interaction channel_id: Optional[str] The channel id of the interaction app_permissions: Optional[int] The permissions of the application locale: Optional[str] The locale of the interaction guild_locale: Optional[str] The guild locale of the interaction Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] The interaction data payload client: Client The request object from fastapi """ def __init__(self, client: "Client", data: Dict[str, Any]): self.payload = data self._responded = False self.client: "Client" = client Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = data.get("data") @property def responded(self) -> bool: """ Whether the interaction has been responded to Returns ------- bool """ return self._responded @property def id(self) -> str: """ The unique id of the interaction Returns ------- str """ return self.payload["id"] @property def kind(self) -> Optional[InteractionType]: """ The type of the interaction Returns ------- Optional[InteractionType] """ return try_enum(InteractionType, self.payload["type"]) @property def token(self) -> str: """ The token of the interaction Returns ------- str """ return self.payload["token"] @property def version(self) -> int: """ The version of the interaction Returns ------- int """ return self.payload["version"] @property def application_id(self) -> str: """ The id of the application that the interaction was triggered for Returns ------- str """ return self.payload["application_id"] @property def guild_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The guild id of the interaction Returns ------- Optional[str] """ return self.payload.get("guild_id") @property def channel_id(self) -> str: """ The channel id of the interaction Returns ------- Optional[str] """ return self.payload["channel_id"] @property def app_permissions(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The permissions of the application Returns ------- Optional[int] """ return self.payload.get("app_permissions") @property def locale(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The locale of the interaction Returns ------- Optional[str] """ return self.payload.get("locale") @property def guild_locale(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The guild locale of the interaction Returns ------- Optional[str] """ return self.payload.get("guild_locale") @property def channel(self) -> PartialChannel: """ The channel where the interaction was triggered Returns ------- PartialChannel """ return PartialChannel(self.client, self.channel_id, self.guild_id) @property def author(self) -> Union[User, Member]: """ The author of the interaction If the interaction was triggered in a guild, this will return a member object else it will return user object. Returns ------- Union[User, Member] """ if not self.guild_id: return User(self.client, self.payload["user"]) return Member(self.client, unwrap_user(self.payload["member"], self.guild_id)) @property def guild(self) -> Optional[PartialGuild]: if not self.guild_id: return return PartialGuild(self.client, self.guild_id) @property def message(self) -> Optional[Message]: """ The message from which the component interaction was triggered Returns ------- Message """ payload = self.payload.get("message") if not payload: return return Message(self.client, payload) @property def response(self): """ The response adapter for the interaction Returns ------- ResponseAdapter """ return ResponseAdapter(self) @property def from_originator(self) -> bool: """ Whether the interaction was triggered by the same user who triggered the message Returns ------- bool """ if not self.message: return True return self.message.interaction.user ==
[docs] async def original_response(self) -> Optional[Message]: """ Gets the original response message of the interaction if the interaction has been responded to. Returns ------- InteractionResponse The original response message """ if not self._responded: return resp = await self.client.http.fetch_original_webhook_message(self.application_id, self.token) data = await resp.json() return Message(self.client, data)