Source code for discohook.enums

from enum import Enum

__all__ = (

def try_enum(enum_class, value):
        return enum_class(value)
    except ValueError:
        return None

[docs]class TextInputFieldLength(int, Enum): """ The length of a text input field for a modal. Attributes ---------- short: :class:`int` Used to specify a short length text input field (up to 100 characters). long: :class:`int` Used to specify a long length text input field (up to 3000 characters). """ short = 1 long = 2
class ModalFieldType(int, Enum): """ The type of field in a modal. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. Attributes ---------- text_input: :class:`int` Used to specify a text input field. """ text_input = 4
[docs]class ApplicationCommandType(int, Enum): """ The type of application command. Attributes ---------- slash: :class:`int` Used to specify a slash command. user: :class:`int` Used to specify a user command. message: :class:`int` Used to specify a message command. """ slash = 1 user = 2 message = 3
class ApplicationCommandOptionType(int, Enum): """ The type of application command option. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ subcommand = 1 subcommand_groups = 2 string = 3 integer = 4 boolean = 5 user = 6 channel = 7 role = 8 mentionable = 9 number = 10 attachment = 11
[docs]class ChannelType(int, Enum): """ Use to specify discord channel type in application command Option. Attributes ---------- guild_text: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild text channel. dm: :class:`int` Used to specify a dm channel. guild_voice: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild voice channel. group_dm: :class:`int` Used to specify a group dm channel. guild_category: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild category channel. guild_announcement: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild announcement channel. guild_announcement_thread: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild announcement thread channel. public_thread: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild public thread channel. private_thread: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild private thread channel. guild_stage_voice: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild stage voice channel. guild_directory: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild directory channel. guild_forum: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild forum channel. guild_media: :class:`int` Used to specify a guild media channel. """ guild_text = 0 dm = 1 guild_voice = 2 group_dm = 3 guild_category = 4 guild_announcement = 5 guild_announcement_thread = 10 public_thread = 11 private_thread = 12 guild_stage_voice = 13 guild_directory = 14 guild_forum = 15 guild_media = 16
class InteractionType(int, Enum): """ The type of interaction received from discord. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ ping = 1 app_command = 2 component = 3 autocomplete = 4 modal_submit = 5 class InteractionCallbackType(int, Enum): """ The type of interaction callback. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ pong = 1 channel_message_with_source = 4 deferred_channel_message_with_source = 5 deferred_update_component_message = 6 update_component_message = 7 autocomplete = 8 modal = 9 class ComponentType(int, Enum): """ The type of message component. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ action_row = 1 button = 2 select_text = 3 text_input = 4 select_user = 5 select_role = 6 select_mentionable = 7 select_channel = 8
[docs]class SelectType(int, Enum): """ The type of select menu. """ text = 3 user = 5 role = 6 mentionable = 7 channel = 8
[docs]class ButtonStyle(int, Enum): """ Represents the style of a button. Attributes ---------- blurple: :class:`int` Used to specify a blurple button. grey: :class:`int` Used to specify a grey button. green: :class:`int` Used to specify a green button. red: :class:`int` Used to specify a red button. link: :class:`int` Used to specify a link type button. """ blurple = 1 grey = 2 green = 3 red = 4 link = 5
class WebhookType(int, Enum): """ The type of webhook. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ incoming = 1 channel_follower = 2 application = 3 class AllowedMentionsType(str, Enum): """ The type of mentions allowed in a message. Used internally by the library. You should not need to use this. """ roles = "roles" users = "users" everyone = "everyone"