Source code for discohook.client

import asyncio
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, Callable, Tuple
import aiohttp
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse

from .abc import Component
from .channel import PartialChannel, Channel
from .command import ApplicationCommand
from .dash import dashboard
from .embed import Embed
from .file import File
from .guild import Guild
from .handler import _handler
from .help import _help
from .https import HTTPClient
from .interaction import Interaction
from .message import Message
from .user import User
from .utils import compare_password
from .view import View
from .webhook import Webhook

async def delete_cmd(request: Request):
    if not
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Password not set inside the application"}, status_code=500)
    data = await request.json()
    password = data.get("password")
    command_id = data.get("id")
    guild_id = data.get("guild_id")
    if not compare_password(, password):
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Unauthorized"}, status_code=401)
    resp = await, guild_id=guild_id)
    if resp.status == 204:
        return JSONResponse({"success": True}, status_code=resp.status)
    return JSONResponse({"error": "Failed to delete command"}, status_code=resp.status)

async def sync(request: Request):
    if not
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Password not set inside the application"}, status_code=500)
    data = await request.json()
    password = data.get("password")
    if not compare_password(, password):
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Unauthorized"}, status_code=401)
    responses, raw = await
    if not any([resp.status == 200 for resp in responses]):
        erred_first_response = next((resp for resp in responses if resp.status != 200), None)
        data = await erred_first_response.json()
        data["raw_payload"] = raw
        return JSONResponse(data, status_code=500)
    commands = []
    for resp in responses:
        commands.extend(await resp.json())
    return JSONResponse(commands, status_code=200)

async def authenticate(request: Request):
    if not
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Password not set inside the application"}, status_code=500)
    data = await request.json()
    password = data.get("password")
    if not compare_password(, password):
        return JSONResponse({"error": "Unauthorized"}, status_code=401)
    return JSONResponse({"success": True}, status_code=200)

[docs]class Client(Starlette): """ The base client class for discohook. Parameters ---------- application_id: int | str The application ID of the bot. public_key: str The public key of the bot. token: str The token of the bot. route: str The route to listen for interactions on. password: str | None The password to use for the dashboard. default_help_command: bool Whether to use the default help command or not. Defaults to False. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the FastAPI instance. """ def __init__( self, *, application_id: Union[int, str], public_key: str, token: str, route: str = "/interactions", password: Optional[str] = None, default_help_command: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.token = token self.public_key = public_key self.application_id = application_id self.password = password self.http = HTTPClient(self, token, aiohttp.ClientSession("")) self.active_components: Dict[str, Component] = {} self._sync_queue: List[ApplicationCommand] = [] self.commands: Dict[str, ApplicationCommand] = {} self.add_route(route, _handler, methods=["POST"], include_in_schema=False) self.add_route("/api/sync", sync, methods=["POST"], include_in_schema=False) self.add_route("/api/dash", dashboard, methods=["GET"], include_in_schema=False) self.add_route("/api/verify", authenticate, methods=["POST"], include_in_schema=False) self.add_route("/api/commands", delete_cmd, methods=["DELETE"], include_in_schema=False) self._custom_id_parser: Optional[Callable[[Interaction, str], str]] = None if default_help_command: self.add_commands(_help) self._interaction_error_handler: Optional[Callable[[Interaction, Exception], Any]] = None
[docs] def on_error(self): """ A decorator to add an error handler for any server errors. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[[Request, Exception], Any]): self.add_exception_handler(Exception, coro) return coro return decorator
[docs] def load_components(self, view: View): """ Loads multiple components into the client. Do not use this method unless you know what you are doing. Parameters ---------- view: View The view to load components from. """ for component in view.children: self.active_components[component.custom_id] = component
[docs] def preload(self, custom_id: str): """ This decorator is used to load a component into the client. This method will help you to use persistent components with static custom ids. Parameters ---------- custom_id: str The unique custom id of the component. Raises ------ ValueError If the custom id is not a not empty string or is not provided. """ def decorator(component: Component): if not custom_id or not isinstance(custom_id, str): raise ValueError("Invalid custom id provided.") component.custom_id = custom_id self.active_components[custom_id] = component return component return decorator
[docs] def load(self, cmd: ApplicationCommand) -> ApplicationCommand: """ A decorator to load a command into the client. """ self.commands[cmd.key] = cmd self._sync_queue.append(cmd) return cmd
[docs] def add_commands(self, *commands: Union[ApplicationCommand, Any]): """ Add commands to the client. Parameters ---------- *commands: ApplicationCommand The commands to add to the client. """ for command in commands: self.commands[command.key] = command self._sync_queue.extend(commands)
[docs] async def delete_command(self, command_id: str, *, guild_id: Optional[str] = None): """ Delete a command from the client. Parameters ---------- command_id: str The id of the command to delete. guild_id: str | None The id of the guild to delete the command from. Defaults to None. """ return await self.http.delete_command(str(self.application_id), command_id, guild_id)
[docs] def load_modules(self, directory: str): """ Loads multiple command from modules within directory by walking through it. Parameters ---------- directory: str The directory to load the modules from. """ import importlib import pathlib from os import sep globs = pathlib.Path(directory).glob(f"**{sep}*.py") modules = [str(path).replace(sep, ".")[:-3] for path in globs] for module in modules: importlib.import_module(module).setup(self)
[docs] def on_interaction_error(self): """ A decorator to register a global interaction error handler. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[[Interaction, Exception], Any]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Exception handler must be a coroutine.") self._interaction_error_handler = coro return coro return decorator
[docs] def custom_id_parser(self): """ A decorator to register a dev defined custom id parser. """ def decorator(coro: Callable[[Interaction, str], str]): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Custom id parser must be a coroutine.") self._custom_id_parser = coro return decorator
[docs] async def send( self, channel_id: str, content: Optional[str] = None, *, tts: bool = False, embed: Optional[Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[List[Embed]] = None, file: Optional[File] = None, files: Optional[List[File]] = None, view: Optional[View] = None, ) -> Message: """ Send a message to a channel using the ID of the channel. Parameters ---------- channel_id: str The ID of the channel to send the message to. content: Optional[str] The content of the message. tts: bool Whether the message should be sent using text-to-speech. Defaults to False. embed: Optional[Embed] The embed to send with the message. embeds: Optional[List[Embed]] A list of embeds to send with the message. Maximum of 10. file: Optional[File] A file to be sent with the message files: Optional[List[File]] A list of files to be sent with message. view: Optional[View] The view to send with the message. Returns ------- Message The message that was sent. """ if not channel_id.isdigit(): raise TypeError("Channel ID must be a snowflake.") channel = PartialChannel(self, channel_id) return await channel.send( content=content, tts=tts, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, file=file, files=files, view=view, )
[docs] async def me(self) -> User: """ Get the client as a discord user. Returns ------- User The client as a user. """ resp = await self.http.fetch_user(self.application_id) return User(self, await resp.json())
[docs] async def edit(self, username: str, *, avatar: Optional[str] = None): """ Edits the client user. Parameters ---------- username: :class:`str` The new username of the client user. avatar: Optional[:class:`str`] The new avatar of the client user in base64 data URI scheme. """ payload = {"username": username} if avatar: payload["avatar"] = avatar await self.http.edit_client(payload)
[docs] async def sync(self) -> Tuple[List[aiohttp.ClientResponse], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Sync the commands to the client. This method is used internally by the client. You should not use this method. """ responses = [] guild_commands = {} for cmd in self._sync_queue: if cmd.guild_id: guild_commands.setdefault(cmd.guild_id, []).append(cmd) if guild_commands: tasks = [] for guild_id, commands in guild_commands.items(): tasks.append(self.http.sync_guild_commands( str(self.application_id), guild_id, [cmd.to_dict() for cmd in commands])) responses.extend(await asyncio.gather(*tasks)) self._sync_queue = [cmd for cmd in self._sync_queue if not cmd.guild_id] if self._sync_queue: responses.append(await self.http.sync_global_commands( str(self.application_id), [cmd.to_dict() for cmd in self._sync_queue])) return responses, [cmd.to_dict() for cmd in self._sync_queue]
[docs] async def create_webhook(self, channel_id: str, *, name: str, image_base64: Optional[str] = None): """ Create a webhook in a channel. Parameters ---------- channel_id: str The ID of the channel to create the webhook in. name: The name of the webhook. image_base64: The base64 encoded image of the webhook. Returns ------- Webhook """ resp = await self.http.create_webhook(channel_id, {"name": name, "avatar": image_base64}) data = await resp.json() return Webhook(self, data)
[docs] async def fetch_webhook(self, webhook_id: str, *, webhook_token: Optional[str] = None): """ Fetch a webhook from the client. Parameters ---------- webhook_id: str The ID of the webhook to fetch. webhook_token: Optional[str] The token of the webhook to fetch. Returns ------- Webhook """ resp = await self.http.fetch_webhook(webhook_id, webhook_token=webhook_token) data = await resp.json() return Webhook(self, data)
[docs] async def fetch_guild(self, guild_id: str) -> Optional[Guild]: """ Fetches the guild of given id. Returns ------- Guild """ resp = await self.http.fetch_guild(guild_id) data = await resp.json() if not data.get("id"): return return Guild(self, data)
[docs] async def fetch_user(self, user_id: str) -> Optional[User]: """ Fetches the user of given id. Returns ------- User """ resp = await self.http.fetch_user(user_id) data = await resp.json() if not data.get("id"): return return User(self, data)
[docs] async def fetch_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> Optional[Channel]: """ Fetches the channel of given id. Returns ------- Channel """ resp = await self.http.fetch_channel(channel_id) data = await resp.json() if not data.get("id"): return return Channel(self, data)
[docs] async def fetch_commands(self): """ Fetches the commands of the client. Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] """ resp = await self.http.fetch_global_application_commands(str(self.application_id)) return await resp.json()
[docs] async def fetch_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the application object associated with the requesting client user. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] """ resp = await self.http.fetch_application() return await resp.json()