Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional

from .embed import Embed
from .emoji import PartialEmoji
from .enums import ChannelType
from .file import File
from .message import Message
from .models import AllowedMentions, MessageReference
from .multipart import create_form
from .params import handle_send_params, merge_fields
from .view import View

    from .client import Client

[docs]class PartialChannel: """ Represents a partial discord channel object. Parameters ---------- channel_id: str The channel's ID. guild_id: str | None The guild's ID. client: :class:`Client` The client that the channel belongs to. """ def __init__(self, client: "Client", channel_id: str, guild_id: Optional[str] = None): self.client = client str = channel_id self.guild_id = guild_id def __eq__(self, other): return == @property def mention(self) -> str: """ Returns the channel-mentionable string. Returns ------- :class:`str` """ return f"<#{}>"
[docs] async def send( self, content: Optional[str] = None, *, embed: Optional[Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[List[Embed]] = None, view: Optional[View] = None, tts: Optional[bool] = False, file: Optional[File] = None, files: Optional[List[File]] = None, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = None, message_reference: Optional[MessageReference] = None, ): """ Sends a message to the channel. Parameters ---------- content: Optional[:class:`str`] The content of the message. embed: Optional[:class:`Embed`] The embed to send with the message. embeds: Optional[List[:class:`Embed`]] A list of embeds to send with the message. view: Optional[:class:`View`] The view to send with the message. tts: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the message should be sent with text-to-speech. file: Optional[File] A file to send with the message. files: Optional[List[File]] A list of files to send with the message. allowed_mentions: Optional[:class:`AllowedMentions`] The allowed mentions for the message. message_reference: Optional[:class:`MessageReference`] The message reference for the message. """ if view: self.client.load_components(view) payload = handle_send_params( content=content, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, view=view, tts=tts, file=file, files=files, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, message_reference=message_reference, ) resp = await self.client.http.send_message(, create_form(payload, merge_fields(file, files))) data = await resp.json() return Message(self.client, data)
[docs] async def edit( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, kind: Optional[ChannelType] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, topic: Optional[str] = None, nsfw: Optional[bool] = None, rate_limit_per_user: Optional[int] = None, bitrate: Optional[int] = None, user_limit: Optional[int] = None, permission_overwrites: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, rtc_region: Optional[str] = None, video_quality_mode: Optional[int] = None, default_auto_archive_duration: Optional[int] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, available_tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, icon: Optional[str] = None, default_reaction_emoji: Optional[PartialEmoji] = None, default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: Optional[int] = None, default_sort_order: Optional[int] = None, default_forum_layout: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Channel": """ Edits all kinds of channels. Parameters ---------- name: Optional[:class:`str`] The new name of the channel. kind: Optional[:class:`ChannelType`] The new type of the channel. position: Optional[:class:`int`] The new position of the channel. topic: Optional[:class:`str`] The new topic of the channel. nsfw: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the channel should be marked as nsfw. rate_limit_per_user: Optional[:class:`int`] The duration of the slowmode in seconds. Must be between 0 and 21600. Applies to text and forum channels. bitrate: Optional[:class:`int`] The new bitrate of the channel. Must be between 8000 and 96000. Applies to voice channels. user_limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The new user limit of the channel. Must be between 0 and 99. Applies to voice channels. permission_overwrites: Optional[List[:class:`dict`]] A list of permission overwrites to apply to the channel. Applies to all channel types. parent_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the parent category to move the channel to. Applies to all channel types. rtc_region: Optional[:class:`str`] The new region of the channel. Applies to voice channels. video_quality_mode: Optional[:class:`int`] The new video quality mode of the channel. Applies to voice channels. default_auto_archive_duration: Optional[:class:`int`] The new default auto archive duration of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. flags: Optional[:class:`int`] The new flags of the channel. Applies to all channel types. available_tags: Optional[List[:class:`dict`]] The new available tags of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. icon: Optional[:class:`str`] The new icon of the channel. Applies to Group DMs. Must be a base64 encoded string. default_reaction_emoji: Optional[:class:`PartialEmoji`] The new default reaction emoji of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: Optional[:class:`int`] The new default thread rate limit per user of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. default_sort_order: Optional[:class:`int`] The new default sort order of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. default_forum_layout: Optional[:class:`int`] The new default forum layout of the channel. Applies to text and forum channels. Returns ------- :class:`Channel` The edited channel. """ payload = {} if name: payload["name"] = name if kind: payload["type"] = kind if position: payload["position"] = position if topic: payload["topic"] = topic if nsfw: payload["nsfw"] = nsfw if rate_limit_per_user: payload["rate_limit_per_user"] = rate_limit_per_user if bitrate: payload["bitrate"] = bitrate if user_limit: payload["user_limit"] = user_limit if permission_overwrites: payload["permission_overwrites"] = permission_overwrites if parent_id: payload["parent_id"] = parent_id if rtc_region: payload["rtc_region"] = rtc_region if video_quality_mode: payload["video_quality_mode"] = video_quality_mode if default_auto_archive_duration: payload["default_auto_archive_duration"] = default_auto_archive_duration if flags: payload["flags"] = flags if available_tags: payload["available_tags"] = available_tags if icon: payload["icon"] = icon if default_reaction_emoji: payload["default_reaction_emoji"] = default_reaction_emoji.to_dict() if default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: payload["default_thread_rate_limit_per_user"] = default_thread_rate_limit_per_user if default_sort_order: payload["default_sort_order"] = default_sort_order if default_forum_layout: payload["default_forum_layout"] = default_forum_layout resp = await self.client.http.edit_channel(, payload) data = await resp.json() return Channel(self.client, data)
[docs] async def fetch_message(self, message_id: str) -> Optional[Message]: """ Fetches a message from the channel. Parameters ---------- message_id: :class:`str` The id of the message to fetch. Returns ------- :class:`Message` The fetched message. """ resp = await self.client.http.fetch_channel_message(, message_id) data = await resp.json() return Message(self.client, data)
[docs] async def fetch_messages( self, limit: int = 50, *, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, around: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Message]: """ Fetches messages from the channel. Parameters ---------- limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum amount of messages to fetch. before: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to fetch before. after: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to fetch after. around: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to fetch around. Returns ------- List[:class:`Message`] The fetched messages. """ params = {"limit": limit} if before: params["before"] = before if after: params["after"] = after if around: params["around"] = around resp = await self.client.http.fetch_channel_messages(, params=params) data = await resp.json() return [Message(self.client, msg) for msg in data]
[docs] async def purge( self, limit: int = 50, *, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, around: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Message]: """ Deletes messages from the channel in bulk. Parameters ---------- limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum amount of messages to delete. before: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to delete before. after: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to delete after. around: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the message to delete around. Returns ------- List[:class:`Message`] The deleted messages. """ messages = await self.fetch_messages(limit=limit, before=before, after=after, around=around) ids = [ for msg in messages] if len(ids) < 2: await self.client.http.delete_channel_message(, ids[0]) return messages await self.client.http.delete_channel_messages(, {"messages": ids}) return messages
async def delete(self): await self.client.http.delete_channel( async def crosspost(self, message_id: str): resp = await self.client.http.crosspost_channel_message(, message_id) data = await resp.json() return Message(self.client, data)
[docs]class Channel(PartialChannel): """ Represents a discord channel object. Attributes ---------- id: :class:`str` The id of the channel. type: Optional[:class:`int`] The type of the channel. guild_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the guild the channel belongs to. position: Optional[:class:`int`] The position of the channel. permission_overwrites: Optional[List[:class:`dict`]] A list of permission overwrites for the channel. name: Optional[:class:`str`] The name of the channel. topic: Optional[:class:`str`] The topic of the channel. nsfw: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the channel is nsfw. last_message_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the last message sent in the channel. bitrate: Optional[:class:`int`] The bitrate of the channel if it is a voice channel. user_limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The user limit of the channel if it is a voice channel. rate_limit_per_user: Optional[:class:`int`] The rate limit per user of the channel if it is a text channel. recipients: Optional[List[:class:`dict`]] A list of recipients of the channel if it is a dm channel. icon: Optional[:class:`str`] The icon of the channel if it is a dm channel. owner_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the owner of the channel if it is a dm channel. application_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the application of the channel if it is a group dm channel. parent_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The id of the parent category of the channel. last_pin_timestamp: Optional[:class:`str`] The timestamp of the last pinned message in the channel. rtc_region: Optional[:class:`str`] The rtc region of the channel. video_quality_mode: Optional[:class:`int`] The video quality mode of the channel. message_count: Optional[:class:`int`] The message count of the channel. member_count: Optional[:class:`int`] The member count of the channel. thread_metadata: Optional[:class:`dict`] The thread metadata of the channel. member: Optional[:class:`dict`] The member of the channel.Appears in thread channels. default_auto_archive_duration: Optional[:class:`int`] The default auto archive duration of the channel.Appears in thread channels. permissions: Optional[:class:`str`] The permissions of the channel. flags: Optional[:class:`int`] The flags of the channel. total_message_sent: Optional[:class:`int`] The total message sent of the channel. available_tags: Optional[List[:class:`str`]] A list of available tags of the channel.Appears in thread channels. default_reaction_emoji: Optional[:class:`dict`] The default reaction emoji of the channel.Appears in thread channels. default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: Optional[:class:`int`] The default rate limit per user of the channel.Appears in thread channels. default_sort_order: Optional[:class:`int`] The default sort order of the channel.Appears in forum channels. default_forum_layout: Optional[:class:`int`] The default channel layout of the channel.Appears in forum channels. """ def __init__(self, client: "Client", data: dict): super().__init__(client, data["id"], data.get("guild_id")) self.type = data.get("type") self.guild_id = data.get("guild_id") self.position = data.get("position") self.permission_overwrites = data.get("permission_overwrites") = data.get("name") self.topic = data.get("topic") self.nsfw = data.get("nsfw") self.last_message_id = data.get("last_message_id") self.bitrate = data.get("bitrate") self.user_limit = data.get("user_limit") self.rate_limit_per_user = data.get("rate_limit_per_user") self.recipients = data.get("recipients") self.icon = data.get("icon") self.owner_id = data.get("owner_id") self.application_id = data.get("application_id") self.managed = data.get("managed") self.parent_id = data.get("parent_id") self.last_pin_timestamp = data.get("last_pin_timestamp") self.rtc_region = data.get("rtc_region") self.video_quality_mode = data.get("video_quality_mode") self.message_count = data.get("message_count") self.member_count = data.get("member_count") self.thread_metadata = data.get("thread_metadata") self.member = data.get("member") self.default_auto_archive_duration = data.get("default_auto_archive_duration") self.permissions = data.get("permissions") self.flags = data.get("flags") self.total_message_sent = data.get("total_message_sent") self.available_tags = data.get("available_tags") self.applied_tags = data.get("applied_tags") self.default_reaction_emoji = data.get("default_reaction_emoji") self.default_thread_rate_limit_per_user = data.get("default_thread_rate_limit_per_user") self.default_sort_order = data.get("default_sort_order") self.default_forum_layout = data.get("default_forum_layout")